Page 1: General user guide

Page 2: Options Tab

Page 3: License Tab


Please download OCR software from the home page. Once OCRvision is installed, Open up the user interface from the system tray and click on the options tab.

 OCRvision OCR Software Options

In this options tab, you can configure OCR settings like

⦁ What type of file to be OCRed (Before OCR)
⦁ What to do with the generated searchable PDF file (After OCR)
⦁ When to run the OCR service (Running mode)
⦁ Where to save the OCR log files for audit and admin purpose (Log files)

OCR Software - File Options

Before OCR

OCRvision OCR Software Before OCR Options

Here you can set the type of the magic folder files to be processed for searchable PDF generation. You have 3 options in the drop-down box

⦁ All image files (scanned image files, photo images of documents)
⦁ All PDF files (PDF scanned files, image-only PDF files)
⦁ All image and PDF files

After OCR

Here you can specify what do you want to do with the searchable PDF file generated as a result of OCR. You can either;

⦁ replace the original file with searchable PDF, OR
⦁ Save the searchable PDF as a separate file.

Either of these options can be selected by checking the corresponding checkbox as shown in the image below;

OCRvision OCR software after OCR options

Replace original file with searchable PDF

When you select "replace original file with searchable PDF", your original scanned file will be replaced by the OCR result, ie the searchable PDF file.

OCRvision OCR software replace original file

Save searchable PDF as a separate file after OCR

if you check the save searchable PDF as a separate file checkbox, a new searchable PDF file will be generated in your "magic folder". You can decide how the new searchable PDF file to be named by specifying a prefix and suffix in the textbox.

For example in the image below; you specified prefix as "Invoice" and suffix as "Searchable". So if you place a scanned file named "PhoneBill.PDF" in your magic folder, OCRvision will generate a new searchable PDF with name "Invoice_PhoneBill_Searchable.PDF".

OCRvision OCR software Prefix suffix

What to do with the original scanned/image file

If you decide to Save searchable PDF as a separate file after OCR as described above, you will be presented with 3 sub-option radio buttons. (Highlighted inside the green box in the image below)

⦁ Keep original files in the same folder
⦁ Delete original files
⦁ move original files another folder.

OCRvision OCR software move files


Keep original files in the same folder

If you place a scanned file named "PhoneBill.PDF" in your magic folder, OCRvision will generate a new searchable PDF named "Invoice_PhoneBill_Searchable.PDF" in the magic folder, and "PhoneBill.PDF" will not be overwritten.

Delete original files

If you place a scanned file named "PhoneBill.PDF" in your magic folder, OCRvision will generate a new searchable PDF named "Invoice_PhoneBill_Searchable.PDF" in the magic folder, and "PhoneBill.PDF" will be deleted.

move original files another folder

Here you can configure to move the original file to another folder after OCR. For example in the above image, you have specified move original file to "Documents\Archive" folder.
In this scenario, If you place a scanned file named "PhoneBill.PDF" in your magic folder, OCRvision will generate a new searchable PDF named "Invoice_PhoneBill_Searchable.PDF" in the magic folder, and "PhoneBill.PDF" will be moved to "Documents\Archive" folder.


Running Mode

Your OCRvision instance is running in the background. In this section, you can specify when to run the OCR service.

Real time

In real time mode, OCRvision will convert scanned files to searchable PDF instantaneously.

OCRvision OCR software real time processing

Sleep mode

In sleep mode, OCRvision will run the OCR service and searchable PDF conversion only when your computer is idle for certain minutes. You can specify the idle time in the little textbox as shown in the image below.

OCRvision OCR software sleep mode

In this example given in the image above, OCRvision will run OCR service and searchable PDF conversion when nobody is using your computer for 15 minutes (Just like how the screensaver works in windows).

Scheduled Time

In this mode, you can specify a start time and end time for OCR service to run. In the example given in the image below, the OCR service will start at 6:00 PM and ends at 7:00 AM the next day, and it repeats every day.

OCRvision OCR software scheduled time

Log files

OCRvision produces an OCR log for auditing and admin purposes. In this section, you can specify the folder location where you want to save the log file.

OCRvision OCR software log files


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